vineri, 18 noiembrie 2011

Oh shit not you again

  • Then there would be no need to impress you.
  • No need to want you.
  •  No need for loving you.
  •  No need for crying over you.
  • No need for heartbreaks.
  • No need for pain or tears.
  • No need for forgotten promises.
  • No need for crying myself to sleep.
  • No need for acting like you care.
  • No need,for everything you've done to make me feel like absolutely nothing.

               You think that everybody is in love with you,when actually everybody hates you.

                                      But remember: All women are bad !

miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2011

One day you'll find a girl.

One day you'll find a girl.

She'll love you,she'll do anything for you,and she will care for you.A lot.
The only thing sge won't be,is me.She won't love you the way I do,and she won't put up with as much bullshit as I did.When you talk to other girls,she'll be asking you take it easy,and probably just ask you to only talk to her.
Remember,I'd even let you go to the movies with other girl.Sure,I got jealous sometimes.A lot,actually.But i didn't ask you to stop talking to other girls,and I didn't fight with you because you sent a heart to some girl on facebook or some shit.
Because I loved you (I still do),and I accepted you having "girlfriends",even though you didn't accept me having guyfriends.
For me,your friends-no matter sex-would be your friends,nothing more.And I trusted you enough to believe you only cared for me and only loved me.I know I was wrong,obviously you left me for one of your girlfriends,but just remember;the day will come when she's jealous and acting bitchy,and if you break up,but don't you even think about coming back to me.

                    I'll be happy somewhere with someone else.He'll love me more than you ever did.

                                                                So long,sucker.

sâmbătă, 12 noiembrie 2011

Smile. :)

Forget him.
You're beautiful,and you will find love.

Don't cry just say "fuck you" and smile. :)

marți, 1 noiembrie 2011

Falling in love


     A fost odata ca niciodata asa cum incepe orice poveste frumoasa de iubire.
    Ea o fata obisnuita,simpla iubea un baiat neobisnuit,perfectionist.Iubirea pe care o purta pentru el era mai presus ca orice,nimeni si nimic nu ii putea schimba parerea si sentimentele pentru el.Totul era frumos pana cand a inceput sa incerce sa o schimbe crezand ca doar el are dreptate si tot ceea ce spune e spre binele ei.Se credea in stare sa o judece uitand sa faca mai intai o analiza avand ca subiect de studiu: personalitatea lui.Insa ea trece cu vederea si face tot cum crede ea ca e mai bine,insa el continua sa ii comunice ca tot ceea ce face e gresit,pana intr-o zi cand sufletul ei s-a umplut de atatea certuri,si cuvinte spuse fara rost,si i-a propus sa se prefaca ca nu se cunosc dar defapt ei se cunosteau cel mai bine.Acum fiecare merge pe drumului lui insa cand il zareste cu privirea inima ei o ia razna iar picioarele isi pierd controlul incepand sa tremure.
      E intr-o stare de euforie,apoi se plafoneaza gandindu-se ca a fost doar o iluzie si a fost doar gresala ei.Dar cu timpu el o sa se deteste,o vede cum pleaca cu ochii reci si goi,el prea mandru sa o opreasca crezand ca vine inapoi.
     A lasat-o sa plece fara sa ii lase macar o parere buna.

Yes,falling in love with the same idiot over and over again.fuck it i don't want you back asshole